Sunday, October 01, 1995

OCTOBER 1995 Economic Digest - Importing and Exporting

OCTOBER 1995 Edition

            The worldwide total of service exports, non-commercial transfers and income from overseas assets reached $2.4 trillion in 1994, a record. The U.S. earned most from invisible trade in 1993 with exports worth $299 billion, ahead of Japan ($204 billion) and France ($188 billion). Invisible exports mean most to the economies of Belgium and Luxembourg; they were equivalent to more than half of their combined GDP in 1993. America's invisible exports equalled 4.8 per cent of its GDP. Canada's were worth $25 billion.

            Harmonized domestic policies--including common standards, intellectual property protection and investment rules--are rapidly overtaking lower tariffs as the main focus of global trade liberalization. According to the Canadian Trade Minister, "The era of the tariff is over, to a large degree. Free trade is moving into domestic areas that were previously outside international scrutiny or rules." He also stated that, with the exception of agriculture, there will soon be no significant tariff barriers between Canada and Europe and that pushing for transatlantic free trade, or TAFTA, is a next logical step on the trade front.

            Developed by the Food Institute of Canada (FIC) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, FoodNet is an Internet site dedicated to meeting the information needs of the food industry. It provides companies with immediate access to marketing, technical and regulatory information, with data added on a regular basis. Foodnet has the capability of quickly transferring large files of information to clients and is linked directly to sites such as the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, U.S. sites such as Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration and other international sites , the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), for example. FoodNet's World Wide Web address is ""

            A new study from the C.D. Howe Institute states that a lot of work needs to be done to ensure freer trade among Canada's 10 provinces and to tear down the internal barriers to the movement of goods and services. The Federal and Provincial governments have already missed deadlines for sorting out disagreements on energy and procurement policies for municipalities, schools and hospitals. There is scepticism that governments will either remove the remaining barriers or live up to the provisions already worked out.

            A July survey by Morgan Stanley shows Canada's stock markets had the second-best performance in the developed world after Australia. In the year to date, Finland has performed best, followed by the U.S. and Sweden. At the other end of the scale, Japan, Singapore and Austria performed worst. In the emerging markets category, Israeli, Turkish and Peruvian stocks all showed strong gains while Taiwanese, Sri Lanka and Colombia stocks slipped badly.  

            Canada is now the 12th most competitive country in the world, climbing from 16th last year, according to the World Economic Forum in Geneva which examines the competitiveness of 48 countries. For the second year in a row, the U.S was the most competitive, followed by Singapore and Hong Kong. Japan comes in fourth, a significant decline for a country which led the rankings for eight years running. Russia is last but shows tremendous opportunities for the future. Canada's higher ranking is attributed, in part, to the Canada-U.S FTA and NAFTA. Specific Canadian areas of improvement are government, management and infrastructure. 

            Canadian industry operated at 83.3 per cent of capacity in the second quarter, down from 84.8% in the first quarter, the sharpest drop in four years, according to Statistics Canada. All but one of 22 manufacturing industries reduced their levels of capacity use. The construction industry, hurt by the weak housing market, showed the biggest drop. The paper industry was the only industry to show an increase in capacity and plans to spend $4 billion on plant and equipment this year, almost double its 1994 capital spending. 

            Stocks of U.S. companies whose executives left their desks messy rose an average of $3.50 last year according to a survey of 1,112 top executives. Stock prices of companies with neat executives fell an average of almost a dollar. About 58 per cent of  executives surveyed said they kept their desks spotless. Thirty-one per cent said their desks are messy and 11 per cent somewhere in between. The survey suggests it may be worth checking an executive's desk when looking for a new job. Only 16 per cent of executives with neat desks believe in Christmas bonuses as a rule, while 48 per cent of messy executives approve of bonuses.

            Major international steel makers have begun a battle against the aluminum producers to win the hearts and minds of the car manufacturers. A 32-member consortium of steel makers announced it can now build frames in the mid-size car range that will weigh 35 per cent less. The new design would reduce costs by 14 per cent and make cars more rigid and thus quieter. They claim a lighter car body will also reduce weight elsewhere because smaller and lighter engines, tires, suspensions, brakes and other components will be required.

            Prices are up and world demand continues to increase and there is enough coal buried in Western Canada and the Maritimes to last for centuries. But the coal industry is worrying about how the country can become a bigger player in the flourishing thermal coal market. Canada has not been successful in reducing overall production and transportation costs to the level where we could export as much thermal coal as we do metallurgical coal.
Canada's high transportation costs, increased by the country's vast geography make it hard to take advantage of increased demand. Much of Canada's coal travels more than 1,000km before reaching West Coast ports. The coal industry employs 10,000 directly and 50,000 more indirectly.

            Congressmen have complained to President Clinton that Canada is violating two international trade agreements (NAFTA and the GATT) by denying access to U.S. products. Ottawa and Washington are negotiating market access for dairy and poultry products.  American dairy farmers thought they got greater access to Canadian markets through NAFTA, but Canada is arguing that the Uruguay Round of the GATT takes precedence. Under that set of trading rules, quotas and marketing boards that have protected Canadian industries are being phased out. But Canada is replacing them with high tariffs--ranging from 100 to 350 per cent on products like eggs, chicken, milk and butter. This also guarantees that Canadians pay more for these products than they should under NAFTA.

            The recent softening of the economy has not kept Canadians from spending big on travel. The Conference Board predicts Canadians will have spent 6.3 per cent more on travel in 1995 than last year compared to a 5.8 growth in 1994. The report suggests that hotel occupancy rates and domestic air travel for both business and pleasure have remained buoyant. The low dollar is attracting international tourists and is partly responsible for the positive forecast. For the same reason,  Canadians are  more likely to take their vacations on this side of the border. The survey also found that, more often than in the early 90's, Canadians are taking planes to reach their vacation destinations in Canada. After two years of declining ticket sales, holiday air travel increased in the first six months of the year.

             According to the University of Texas, a windshield that "washes" itself with sunshine and wall coverings that use light to self-clean may soon be a reality. The magic ingredient is titanium dioxide, a photocatalyst that strips organic matter from surfaces. Windshields coated with the substance could be manufactured for $10 to $25 in added costs with consumers paying from $50 to $100 more per car. The Japanese have already harnessed this chemical by unveiling the worlds first self cleaning bathroom and kitchen tile which kills cigarette and cooking smoke stains and eliminates common indoor odours. Hospital tests show the self-scouring tiles removing 99.9 per cent of all bacteria.

            After nearly a decade without a new product, Coca-Cola is pushing out new products at a record pace which has helped it  capture more than 80 per cent of the growth in the U.S. soft drink market. But Japan is its most profitable market. Japanese consumers are notorious for constantly demanding new products. Companies typically launch between 700 and 800 drinks a year, and few stay in vending machines for more than a month. Two years ago Coke built a sophisticated product-development centre to produce new beverages more quickly. Launch time for new drinks has been cut to 30 days from 90 and Coke releases as many as 50 new beverages a year.

            Some large companies have been quietly registering Internet domain names which give them worldwide rights to those names. Proctor & Gamble has registered names such as "," as well as 35 other maladies including "" (sic), "," "," "," and "" P&G has also registered 52 of its products from Luvs to Metamucil. Kraft Foods has locked up 133 important product names, from "," to "" and 21 generic foods groups including "," ","," and even "" In all, companies have registered 10,000 new names in the first two weeks of August bringing the total number of registered commercial domains to 100,000.

            560 "electronically enabled homes" have gone on sale in Ontario, built by Intercom Ontario, a consortium of more than 70 high-tech companies. The aim is to discover what home buyers want in the smart home of the future. The homes will be connected by high-capacity fibre-optic and coaxial cable lines to  a powerful computer switch able to transmit video signals down a phone line. Special plugs and wiring will connect telephones, computers and television sets to a state-of-the-art, high speed network. Jacks will be installed in each house that can move information at a speed of 10 million bits a second. Each resident will be provided with a personal computer and participants will be monitored during the trial.

            Plants that grow in the dark are possible with technology that transfers material for a luminous protein in certain jellyfish into vegetation. A possible application would be roses that, when placed on a table between two lovers, would glow as emotions rose and the lovers' breathing became heavier!

            According to The Miami Herald, Wal-Mart, the No. 1 retailer in the U.S., once fired two employees who dated each other and  refused to stop. In an ensuing lawsuit, the lovers lost because a judge said dating is not a recreational activity.

* In England, an association  called Pipedown has recently published a list of restaurants that are free of Muzak.

* In 1992, 14 Canadian millionaires collected and kept unemployment insurance benefits.

* Locusts contain more protein per pound than a T-bone steak.

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