Friday, February 20, 2009

Duty Calculator(s)

One of the most common questions we see is "Do you have a Duty Calculator" or "Do you have a Duty and Tax Calculator?"

The answer is - YES - we do. We actually have a number of different Duty & Tax Calculators.

The main one is located here -

This lets you calculate the duties and taxes on a shipment entering Canada from anywhere in the world. You select a number of different parameters, including Customs specific item categories, the shipping date (to calculate Customs Exchange Rate), and, voila, you can see how much your shipment into Canada will cost you.

We also have a calculator that tells you the cost of importing a car or vehicle into Canada. I wrote about that early last year.

We offer a calculator for eBay items if you are a Canadian looking to import. That can be found here.

Lastly, and certainly not least - we built a calculator to determine what duties and taxes are on wine being imported into Canada. The Wine duty & tax calculator can be found here.

If you're interested in calculating duty and do not see what you're looking for here - please contact us toll free 1.800.663.4270 or at - and we will answer your questions, free of charge.

We're always looking for your feedback, so if you have any suggestions for changes or updates, please let me know.

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