Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What to do when you get audited.

If you are either being audited or are notified that you are going to be audited - it is very important that you contact your customs broker as soon as you are made aware.

Your customs broker can save you countless hours of time and energy by providing information to Customs on your behalf. A customs broker keeps excellent books and records of your imports and should be able to quickly gather the information that Customs is looking for.

A Customs audit should not be a scary process. Many of our importer clients have been audited and both the importer and ourselves have been satisfied with the outcomes of the audits we have seen.

We are by no means perfect - but we do take compliance very, very seriously.
Here are some ways that we strive for compliance -
  • We have an in house Consulting and Compliance Team that has many years of experience in Compliance, Tariff, Valuation and Origin issues.
  • We send out a "Self Compliance" document with every invoice as a double check for our clients to review their shipments for accuracy.
  • We offer online tutorials to educate importers and exporters on the importance of compliance.
  • We have an intensive entry checking process to review for errors and ommissions.
  • We have highly trained, knowledgeable, qualified people handling our clients work.

Customs audits can be a scary process - but it doesn't have to be if you're taking a big picture approach to compliance.

Contact your customs broker for more information.

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